تحميل لعبه الاكشن المرعبه The Walking Dead 400 Days-HI2U على سيرفر واحد مباشر

لعبه الاكشن المرعبه The Walking Dead 400 Days-HI2U على سيرفر مباشر ورابط فقط


OS: XP Service Pack 3 / Vista / Windows 7
Processor: 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 2 GB Space Free
Video Card: ATI or NVidia card w / 512 MB RAM (Not recommended for Intel integrated graphics)
DirectX ®: Direct X 9.0c
Sound: Direct X 9.0c sound device

OS: XP Service Pack 3 / Vista / Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2GHz or equivalent
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 2 GB Space Free
Video Card: ATI or NVidia card w / 1024 MB RAM (Not recommended for Intel integrated graphics)
DirectX ®: Direct X 9.0c
Sound: Direct X 9.0c sound device

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