صدور النسخة VBulletin 4.1.11 Alpha 2
السـلام عليكم ~
منذ قليل قامت الشركة بطرح النسخة 4.1.11 Alpha 2
حيث أنها قامت بإصلاح
عيوباً جديدة كانت قد كشفت فى النسخة 4.1.11 Alpha 1
الإصلاحات هى
و الخبــر هو
ملحــوظة :- النسخة التجريبية ولا يستحسن إستخدامها فى المواقع الحية و الكبيرة حيث أنها لا تعتبر تجريبية بل منظر فقط ليكتشفه الأخطاء و إضافة تجديدات
الموضوع الأصلى
منذ قليل قامت الشركة بطرح النسخة 4.1.11 Alpha 2
حيث أنها قامت بإصلاح
عيوباً جديدة كانت قد كشفت فى النسخة 4.1.11 Alpha 1
الإصلاحات هى
4.1.11 Alpha 2 has been released. The following issues have been fixed since 4.1.11 Alpha 1.
- VBIV-14285 Update Widget Cache_Keys to include widgetid (Fix calendar widget).
- VBIV-14302 User's lastpostid not updated for new threads
- VBIV-14276 Typo in admincp/block.php
- VBIV-14222 Avatars shown in CMS comments even if they are globally disable in User picture options
- VBIV-13236 FIX Phrase Versions.
- VBIV-14273 "Permission Preview" setting is no longer present
- VBIV-14010 Forum category with depth level of 2 displays incorrectly on forumdisplay
- VBIV-8899 CMS Display Author=No still reserves the same space for the author's info
- VBIV-8823 Need to Clear CMS Cache for applying permissions
- VBIV-12604 "Use Settings for" CMS content setting doesn't work - settings are being applied to both content and section page despite it
- VBIV-7345 Two Categories with same name won't show on Show All Category widget
- VBIV-11328 Fixed template versions
- VBIV-14278 vBBlog_TaggableContent_BlogEntry::is_cloud_cachabl e
- VBIV-6027 Recent CMS Comments widget doesn't Correctly Link to Comments that Aren't on Page 1
- VBIV-14133 Some blog only images are used by core CSS/stylevars
- VBIV-7288 Article preview image not showing when using the IMG BB code to link an attached image
- VBIV-14173 Posticons missing some pixels at the top on forumhome/forumdisplay last post column
- VBIV-11328 Mobile style doens't work while Allow Users to Change Style is set to No
- VBIV-14153 JSON response for blog details do not contain any "tags" information
- VBIV-14079 Can't upload images with the 'Insert Image' popup on Chrome/OSX
- VBIV-13792 Unnecessary "?order=desc" appears in forum page links
- VBIV-8938 Quote BB code stripped from CMS content preview
- VBIV-13287 Not valid xhtml 1.0 code in ckeditor and in CMS when addcontent and edit content
- VBIV-13955 <strong> tags in some inline moderation phrases have no effect
- VBIV-14263 Template Caching in the CMS
- VBIV-14307 Some template errors (error messages and visitor message search)
- VBIV-14336 Detect whether or not the forum is using paid accounts
و الخبــر هو
We are pleased to announce the release of vBulletin 4.1.11 ALPHA 1.
This is an early evaluation release of 4.1.11. While QA has tested most of the fixed issues in this release, additional code changes are in progress, and functional regression testing has not yet been completed. As such, vBulletin 4.1.11 ALPHA 1 should not be used to upgrade your live sites.
What's New in vBulletin 4.1.11 Alpha 1?
The largest change in 4.1.11 Alpha 1 is the conversion of the vBulletin Mobile Style to a master style, including changes to the mobile style install/upgrade script. Once 4.1.11 is released, customizations to the mobile style for your sites will not longer be overwritten on upgrade.
For a complete list of the issues we've fixed in 4.1.11 thus far, click - HERE
Please visit members.vbulletin.com to download a copy of vBulletin 4.1.11 ALPHA 1.
Discuss the 4.1.11 ALPHA 1 release - HERE
Please note: There is no official support for this build. If you upgrade your forums and things break, you may not receive answers.
Edit: vBulletin 4.1.11 ALPHA 2 is now available.
ملحــوظة :- النسخة التجريبية ولا يستحسن إستخدامها فى المواقع الحية و الكبيرة حيث أنها لا تعتبر تجريبية بل منظر فقط ليكتشفه الأخطاء و إضافة تجديدات
الموضوع الأصلى
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